The Shedd family has had a lot going on lately. Jonathan found out he had the be accepted to the Cumulative Ed program at Auburn to be rehired, so we've put a lot of our time effort and money into that. We think that he's in though. He had to take a test today and from what we've heard his scores were good enough to get him into the program.
Elizabeth turned 4 on Sunday, which was also Father's Day. We had a good time. Elizabeth's party was Saturday and on Sunday we went to church. When we got home we ate lunch followed by left over cake and ice cream. After naps we played outside. Elizabeth got a water thing for her birthday and we tried it out. Everyone had a good time, but Sarah. She didn't like getting squirted in the face.
I ran my first 5K race Saturday morning. My dad came down from TN to run with me.He pushed me to run farther than I had been. I ran more than 2 miles of it and I was quite proud of myself.
Cole had 3 teeth and more on the way. He gets on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth. We know from this that crawling is emanate and it breaks my heart. It hurts to know that my last baby is growing SO fast. He's such a sweetie though.
Sarah's vocabulary is growing every day. She's so strong too. She is by far stronger than her sister. Her personality grows more and more every day. She's the sneaky one who refuses to be forgotten even though she's the middle child. She's also very sweet.
So that's what we've been up to.