We've traveled back and forth between Grammy and Peepaw and Nanna and Nunnie, so we haven't been home much this summer, so here's an update.
Elizabeth had surgery a little over a week ago to repair her umbilical hernia. She did very well and is almost back to normal now.
Sarah Grace is getting to be quite the handful. She's getting into EVERYTHING, but is still so sweet that it's really hard to get mad at her.
Cole is crawling. It's the funniest crawl I've ever seen. I also cut his hair. I buzzed it, so it WAY to short, but at least I know I'll never cut it this short again. He's still cute as ever though.
Well, that's about it. Still not sure when we'll close on the townhouse and be able to move. The latest we heard was that they were trying to get us in it by the end of the month. I'll keep you posted.