Last night when putting her to bed I asked if she would laugh at me if I cried when I took her to kindergarten. Of course she told me that she wouldn't and that she was sure I would be ok. When I was sure all the babes were sleeping I went back upstairs and as I got to the top I could see her sleeping in her bed. I bawled like a baby. I never imagined that any of this would hurt as bad as it is.

This morning we got up extremely early. I made chocolate chip muffins and got snacks and all her paper work together. Sarah Grace was already awake, so she went upstairs with me to wake up Elizabeth and Cole. When Elizabeth finally woke up she jumped up and said, "It's my first day of kindergarten!" and ran downstairs for breakfast. Cole on the other hand was not so excited to be awoken this early. We had a breakfast, brushed our teeth, fixed our hair, took our first day of school pictures, and headed to Verbena to pick up Daddy so we could all take Elizabeth to kindergarten.
She was quite upset when we passed the Annex on our way to Verbena. We picked up Daddy and headed toward the Annex. We all got out and filed in. She hung her snack box up on her hook and we started to look around. We found her name tag and she showed Sarah Grace some things in her classroom. All of a sudden Daddy decided it was time for him to get back to his school. I maintained composure till I got to the van. That's when Sarah Grace started crying for her "sissy". There was no holding it back then. We all buckled up and headed to Verbena to drop Daddy off. By the way he laughed at me for crying.
We left him at Verbena and the babies and I headed to the playroom at Cornerstone and this made Sarah Grace feel much better. After getting my bootay kicked I got the kids and headed home. At this point I feel emotionally drained, but physically I'm feeling pretty good. Lunch time however was a different story. Sweet Coley sat in Elizabeth's seat which is beside Sarah Grace. The table felt very empty without Elizabeth, so of course I started crying all over again. Sarah asked me what was wrong and I told her that I missed Elizabeth. She kindly told me that I should not have left her at kindergarten.
This afternoon Elizabeth was going to ride the bus to the big Verbena to meet her Daddy and be his junior assistant coach as he works out his basketball girls and runs his cross country team. I know she'll be a great junior assistant. Not sure how much Daddy will appreciate it though. I am currently awaiting a phone call from her letting me know how things went. I don't guess it will be long now before she will be able to make posts about her own experiences.