Mom and Dad came and spent the night with us the night before we went to the hospital. We let Elizabeth spend some time with them before we took her to her Nanna's house. I cried like crazy when we left her. I felt terrible. I'm not sure why. I think I was a little scared about being induced and I guess I felt guilty for leaving her and changing her life. I knew the next time I saw her our family would be different. We were at the hospital before 5am the next morning. I went in and told them that I was checking in to be induced. I think I remember telling them that I was their first victim. We went back and I suited up and got all hooked up then they started the drugs. Everything went so fast that it's really hard to remember. I know that I went from 4 cm to 8 cm in 30 minutes and from there to delivery in about 15 minutes. Like I said it was really fast. I was glad it was fast because I remember them telling me to roll over. The combination of the petocin and the epidural caused her heart rate to drop. When I rolled over the epidural came out, so from there on it was a very painful experience. I remember thinking that it probably wouldn't be bad if I had prepared for child birth without drugs (You'll see how ironic that thought was next Saturday.) Sarah Grace was born on October 23, 2007 at 12:07 PM. She weighed in at 7 lbs 2 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. She was beautiful! And once she was born her dad almost passed out. Instead of my mom taking care of me she was taking care of him while I was getting stitches. I do remember that part being pretty funny. I remember Nanna bringing Elizabeth after she took her to the doctor. She had a bad ear infection. Elizabeth held Sarah and fed her a bottle. She was a good big sister from day one! I was so glad to have my two sweet girls!
Here's a picture of my Sarah girl the day she was born and today on her third birthday!