Cole, Sarah, and Elizabeth were so very good at all the games!

Sarah and Elizabeth started taking tumbling classes and after much resisting on Elizabeth's part I think they both really liked it.

Cole had an allergic reaction to some medicine he was taking and got a terrible rash! It got a lot worse than this. This is just what it looked like at the doctor's office. We thought it was chicken pox when it first came up. Thank goodness it wasn't. That would have been bad. He was put on a steroid which made him very fussy and mean, but we're off it now and slowly getting back to normal.

This week Elizabeth had her second round of cheer camp. Most of cheer camp was canceled during football season. They finished up this week and performed last night. I was going to post the video, but I guess that because of the length it was taking an incredibly long period of time.
Elizabeth missed her second tumbling class, but Sarah did get to go.

You can tell from the picture that Cole wants to tumble too.
We've stayed busy! That's for sure, but I wouldn't have it any other way!