Monday, November 16, 2009

Basketball has officially begun!

Jonathan started practicing his Jr High team 2 weeks ago and had 4 games last week. Tonight marks his first varsity home game of the season and I think all 5 of us are excited, well maybe not Cole. He's just along for the ride. The girls and I are excited. We miss him because he's not here much, but we know he's really enjoying himself.
Jonathan took off last Friday morning so we could all go see the Birmingham Children's Theater do their production of The Little Red Hen. We are so blessed to have them come here to Clanton for us. All the preschool in town were there, so of course Ms. Elizabeth sat with her friends. Sarah and I sat close behind them and Cole and Jonathan sat in the back on the bleachers. Cole slept through part of the show. Elizabeth seemed to have a really good time, but Sarah was terrified at the beginning of the show. The costumes seemed to bother her. She covered her face and said, "Mommy scary". I popped out the cheerios and juice. That helped until a "cywowte (coyote)" came on stage. We're still talking about this "cywowte" and possibly having some bad dreams about it. She hasn't slept all night since.
I never would've thought that my love of the arts would lead to my 2 year old having night mares. Maybe it will pass quickly.
It was nice to go as a family even if we were all spread out.

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