We've talked about it for quite some time and it finally came. Today was Sarah's first day of preschool. Although she hasn't said too much (I think she's really tired) she really seemed to like it.
On the way to preschool she told me that she didn't want to go. I knew that she was probably a little nervous, so I asked her if she was and she said yes. She asked me to say a prayer and we did and she said that made her feel better.
It was her first day in real panties. We've been working on this for quite some time now and we're hoping that this step will finally end the potty training process. She was a little wet when we got home, so we changed and seem to be ok.
Her teacher said that the only problem was that she wanted to call Sarah by Elizabeth's name. I think that of all the problems we could have had that will do just fine. Especially since she gets that at home on occasion.
I will be honest. I forgot the camera in the midst of the mad rush we have trying to get Elizabeth to kindergarten on time and I hate that. I don't want Sarah to feel like she isn't special because she really is. I did take pictures of her on my cell phone before I left her and remembered to take the camera when I went to get her and took pictures then. We'll just say that I am backwards. The important this is that there are pictures of her first day of preschool.
Now, you might ask how I did at home with just one kid. Let me tell you I think I can get used to this! We had a great time. We read some books and he started talking more which really impressed me. I think this one on one time will help him start talking more. We were reading one of those baby word book which has long since been torn to pieces, but he likes to read the pages that are still in tact. I pointed to the pictures and he said, "cup, spoon, cookie, apple, choo choo, drum, car, ball, duck, toothbrush, hairbrush, and towel". Some of the words I've heard him say before, but I was impressed that he told me what they were without help this time. Maybe it's just the noise in the house that hinders him when everyone's at home.
All in all it seems like everyone had a good morning!
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