Well, we couldn't check in till 4, so we took our time finishing packing and ate lunch at home before we hit the road. The drive wasn't too bad because the kiddos slept most of the way. We didn't exactly follow our directions to get here which really makes me nervous, but we made it.
We missed the turn if for our resort and pulled into another parking lot to get back to where we were supposed to be. In that parking lot were about 30 wanna be Leprechauns drinking what we will call juice because this is a family show. It was strange to say the least. I think they were all wearing green dresses and both males and female Leprechauns were represented. Elizabeth thought they were crazy.
We ate at Fisherman's Wharf and sat by the window so we could watch the sun set and the ships that passed by. It was really nice. Jonathan and I shared Mahi mahi and shrimp and boy was it good. Elizabeth downed a plate of popcorn shrimp on her own and the little ones shared a cheeseburger and fries.
We went to Wal-mart and that was a CRAZY place to be. It was more crowded than any place I've ever been. I guess that's what you get when you go to the beach for spring break though. Thankfully the most frequented aisles were the ones we did not need anything from. My 3 peas are sleeping on a couch that pulls out into a bed, and when I say sleeping I really mean playing. They all wanted to sleep together. Now if we could just get them to go to sleep so that we could go to bed we would be in good shape.
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